POLREC: A European consortium to raise the awareness regarding plastic waste recycling and to fund European SMEs recycling initiatives.
POLREC is a European funded project called: "Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling.
This consortium has the ambition to create a pan-European network of companies involved in polymer recycling.
To achieve this goal, POLREC will help the industry to switch practices from polymers waste landfilling and burning towards polymer recycling (mechanical or chemical) into raw materials (monomer polymer and additive). It will promote innovative solutions for the mechanical and chemical recycling of polymer waste and encourage the adoption of innovative and viable business models that promote the use of recycled material.
POLREC has been granted a budget with which the project’s partner will support through cascade-funding opportunities the polymer SMEs in testing innovative recycling solutions, access to training on recycling and foster European & international collaboration. POLREC will launch eight funding calls during the 3-years project period.
The project involves five European partners:
- Polymeris, competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics and composites (France)
- CENTIMFE, Technological Center for the Mouldmaking, Special Tooling and Plastic Industries (Portugal)
- MAV, Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia (Spain)
- WFG, regional agency for the economic development of the Heilbronn Region (Germany)
- PCD, facilitator of the Danish Materials Network
To find more about the polymer industries’ needs and challenges in the recycling of their waste, the partners conducted a joint survey so that they can tailor their cascade-funding open calls to the interests and needs of industrial SMEs.
This survey is still on-going and SME are invited to answer if so that POLREC partners can develop suitable offers! Please take about 10 minutes to answer the survey by clicking here.
The POLREC project will be presented during the Recycling and End-of-Life session of conferences of S3 for Smart, Sustainable and Safe Plastic Congress.